Special Asset Resolution
Broad Market Execution

The volatility of real estate markets can put financial institutions in the undesirable position of requiring receivership services or being interim real estate owners. It takes initiative, market aptitude, and proficiency in building and maintaining local and regional marketplace relationships in order to reach a positive resolution when put in this often tenuous position. For this real estate expertise, efficient short-term management and to maximize the disposition value of these assets, financial institutions and courts turn to Hogan Real Estate. We understand our REO clients’ special timing needs and we know how to maximize the value of their assets in this context.
Proven Execution
Receivership and financial institution-owned special assets vary widely in profile. Disposing of these unique assets requires experienced real estate professionals with a comprehensive knowledge of the REO process, and the ever-changing real estate markets at both the local and national levels.
Hogan Real Estate is the preferred real estate partner of many financial institutions and has worked with local courts as receiver when it comes to dealing with this class of assets. We provide asset valuation analysis, transition often-neglected properties to saleable condition, handle short-term management of the asset, lease-up vacancies, and execute the ultimate disposition for these assets.

Our Experience
“Hogan Real Estate is a collective of real estate experts who in my experience continuously strive to deliver for their client. They have proven invaluable partners in handling the interim management and eventual disposition of the bank’s OREO assets.”
John T. Taylor, Chairman, President & CEO, Limestone Bank
Our professionals have a proven record of delivering results and are trusted by clients to handle every detail of their real estate investment. We have a deep and abiding knowledge of the real estate industry across the board.